3 Simple Mistakes Hurting Your Patient Closings

3 Simple Mistakes Hurting Your Patient Closings

September 06, 20244 min read

A Holistic Approach for Integrative Medicine and Chiropractic Practices

In the world of integrative medicine and chiropractic care, closing patients on care is essential to the growth of your practice. However, many Integrative Medicine and Chiropractic offices make critical yet simple mistakes that cost them time, energy, and ultimately, their ad dollars. Each lead that doesn’t convert to a patient can cost your practice hundreds of dollars, and worse, it creates frustration for both your team and your patients.

Let’s dive into the 3 Simple Mistakes Hurting Your Patient Closings—and more importantly, how fixing these mistakes can elevate your patient experience and keep your practice thriving.

1. Not Having a Predictable Process

Whether you conduct a Day 1/Day 2 consultation process or handle everything in one day, having a predictable and repeatable system is non-negotiable. A predictable process ensures your team knows exactly what to do at each step, reducing confusion and making the patient's experience seamless.

The problem? Without a structured process, team members struggle to consistently present treatment plans, which can confuse patients and lead to missed opportunities. This inconsistency can also create a fragmented experience for your patients, making them feel uncertain about committing to care.

The solution: Establish a predictable process that is easy to follow, for both your team and your patients. This will not only boost efficiency but will create a smoother and more professional experience for your patients, which in turn increases your chances of closing on care.

2. Not Getting to the Emotional “Why”

Understanding a patient’s emotional why is the key to connecting with them on a deeper level. Patients seek care not just for physical relief but for how it will improve their quality of life. If you’re not addressing this, you’re missing the emotional trigger that can make the difference between a yes and a no.

The problem? If you focus solely on the clinical aspect of care and skip understanding their emotional drivers—whether it’s wanting to be more active with their kids, overcoming long-term pain, or simply feeling better—you’re missing the true motivator that pushes patients to commit.

The solution: Spend time getting to the heart of why the patient is seeking treatment. Ask questions that reveal their emotional triggers and weave that into your care recommendations. When they feel understood, they are more likely to trust your solution and move forward with care.

3. Not Handling Objections Properly or Regularly Training

Closing patients requires being prepared for objections. Many practices fail to address this step effectively and also don’t prioritize training their staff to handle common objections. If you and your team aren’t role-playing and refining your response to patient concerns, you’re setting yourselves up for missed opportunities.

The problem? Without proper training, team members may fumble when patients raise objections related to cost, time, or value. This can cause hesitation, delay decision-making, or worse—lead to a lost patient.

The solution: Make it a priority to train your team on how to handle objections effectively. Role-playing is crucial to building confidence in these conversations. By sharpening these skills, you ensure that your team is prepared, confident, and capable of overcoming common barriers to care.

Why These Mistakes Matter

When you don’t have a predictable process, fail to connect with the patient’s emotional why, or lack proper objection-handling skills, you’re not only losing patients but wasting valuable resources. Every patient who walks out without committing represents lost time, wasted ad dollars, and unmet potential for both your team and your patients.

For your patients, a lack of clarity or conviction from your team can translate to uncertainty, leaving them questioning whether the care you provide is right for them. For your practice, this can lead to missed financial goals and lowered morale among staff.

The bottom line? You must be fully sold on the value of your services so that your patients can be too. Success lies in having a clear, confident team that can guide patients from uncertainty to commitment.

You’re Not Alone—Med Pro Dojo Can Help

We get it. Closing patients on care can be challenging, but you don’t have to face these challenges alone. The Med Pro Dojo team has been in the trenches and understands the ins and outs of patient closings. We can help get you and your case manager closing more confidently and effectively.

Here’s a testimonial from Amy Case Manager from Highland Family Chiropractic:

"My start rate prior to starting to work with them was only 30% or so, and now I'm at a 100%. They've given me a lot of really good advice, lots of help, really getting comfortable asking the tough questions. I'm very grateful and I hope to continue!"

Want to dive deeper into effective patient closing strategies?

Join our webinar on September 10th at 10 AM PST, where we’ll be going over “Finding Your Patient’s Emotional Why.”

Register here: Sales & Closing: Finding Your Patient’s Emotional Why

At Med Pro Dojo, we’re dedicated to helping you overcome these challenges and achieve exceptional outcomes. Our team of experts is here to support you in refining your approach and maximizing your practice’s success.

Let’s work together to transform your practice and unlock the full potential of your patient interactions.

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